Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Moment in Time...

I love taking photos of barns - old, new, it doesn't matter.  Barns have such character!  Last year, after a snowstorm, I was driving west on Picket Road and my favorite Red Barn was sitting on the hill in all her splendor...snow covering her with it's winter blanket and creating a spectacular sight on the barren trees.  I ran home and grabbed my faithful Sony and returned to take the perfect picture.  Oh my, it was breathtaking!  I immediately enlarged and framed that picture and decided to take pics of that particular beautiful barn in all four seasons from the exact same spot.  I made a copy of the 'Winter Red Barn' and drove to the home of the owner of my beauty.  Mr. A. was thrilled and gave me permission to take any and all pictures of 'her' whenever I wanted.  Wow!  I went in April for the Spring pic and today I went for the Summer shot.  All four are so different and unique.  Today, Mr. A. was in his garden working and watched while I shot the wonder of his precious red barn.  We talked for a bit, he showed me his wonderful flower garden that must have been 1/2 block long, and even gave me seeds to plant in my yard.  He is such a sweet gentleman.  He and his wife have lived in this house with my barn for many years.  We shared photo  and flower stories, and Mr. A. asked if I would email my pics of the beautiful Red Barn to him so he could email them to his brother, the photographer.  We exchanged emails and phone numbers with the promise I would share all pics of my favorite barn with him anytime I took them.  What a blessed day, and as I drove away, I looked up at God, told him 'Thanks' and SMILED!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wit to see the fall version.
    Your pictures are splendid!
