Sunday, July 17, 2011

Playful Antics of Two Sisters

Katy and Abby were adopted.  Katy came to us four years ago, and Abby three.  They were both rescue puppies.  From the start, they were fast friends, inseparable, and a double bundle of energy!!! I wasn't sure I would survive the first year with Katy, let alone adopt another one a year later (as Katy ate 12 pair of my shoes, chewed the legs on the dining room table, dug holes to China in the yard, and made messes)! But here came Abby with this cute little lost face. (She had been found by the Humane Society running the streets.) Watching the girls together became a favorite pasttime for me and Glen.  They would chase each other, stop, give a long stare and dare the other to move - then look out!!!! One would begin the game of chase and soon the other would take over.  Their growls are different for each game they play.  If they are mad, Katy uses a high pitch verbalization to tell Abby to stop - and Abby will stop!  Abby has a very deep growl, followed by a bark when she is angry.  Abby, being the youngest, often tattles to me regarding Katy taking her bone or that Katy won't play with her (and believe me, she is very vocal when she is tattling! She will 'talk' to me for several minutes!!!!)  It's like watching twins and listening to twin language that only they know what is being said!!They always fight over the same bone - even though each of them is given a bone of their own.  They are so rambunctious and love to run in the yard and see who is walking by.  We put in an electronic dog door just for them (to save ourselves from going to the door so often!).  For a week, Glen and I would be on either side of the door, pushing it open, offering treats, pushing the dogs through, etc. to no avail.  Several times we would poke our own heads through to show them, but they wouldn't buy it. (I'm pretty sure it's because we looked stupid and they didn't want to look stupid!!!)  We finally ended up taking the door out and having to purchase a new back door as the old one had a big hole in it...  Guess we all know who the bosses are in our house!!!! LOL  We wouldn't have it any other way.  Whenever we come back from errands, the girls greet us at the back fence or the top of the steps in the house, depending on whether they stayed out or in when we left.  They love us unconditionally and always make us laugh!!!  I swear that Abby has a smile on her face the minute she sees either of us and that makes all the bad days go away!!!! So, those of you with pets, if your day is bad, just look to the top of the steps or the back door and wait for the absolute love of your friend, then smile at the Heaven's and thank God they allowed you in their life!!!!

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